Minayah Batu kuta utara Narmada Lombok Barat NTB

Gunung Ledang National Park

Gunung Ledang

Gunung Ledang Taman Nasional terletak tepat dalam perbatasan Johor \ 's dengan keadaan Melaka, sekitar 30 km dari kota Muar. Taman mengelilingi Gunung dongeng Ophir, sekarang disebut Gunung Ledang (Gunung Ledang).

Trail to Puteri Waterfalls at Gunung Ledang National ParkAss..Wr...Wb..Hello Sobt semua pkbr..??"ok kli ni sy akn sdkit crita pengalaman liburan ke Gunung Ledang brsma teman2,Rombongan, dmn prjalanan kami yg begitu menyenangkan,,"sueeerrrr,,,,,,!Back to Homelnjt crita"Gunung Ledang ini terletak dikwsan Johor persis perbatasan muar dan merupakan tempat parawisata bgi masyarakat malasyia hususnya visitor asing umumnya..kami sndri bersama rombongan mengunjungi secara langsung dan menikmati indahnya Di G.Ledang

dari pendakian sampai akses lebih lanjut
sehingga ketika saya mengunjungi baru
ini saya harus memuaskan diri
dengan singkat 20 menit perjalanan sepanjang
jalur batu dan langkah-langkah untuk
ke air terjun G.ledang
sekitar 60m
dengan kolam renang dan piknik
menyenangkan dan mandi daerah
Mandi di hilir Air Terjun Gunung Ledang
Waaooo....menyenangkan temen-temen
Coba tengok photo2 diatas ,,"dri mendaki,mandi,makan,photo bersama'semua kita lakukan secara bersama-sama....

There are various legends pertaining to the mountain involving a magical princess, gold and silver deposits, the famous warrior Hang Tuah and more. It is regarded as a spiritual place. One of the reputed origins for the name Ophir is the Greek word Ofis meaning snake and some say the mountain is guarded by legions of snakes. Thankfully I did not see any snakes during my visit but I did encounter a large monitor lizard scavenging for food scraps in a litter bin. In the process he was scattering rubbish everywhere.

Visitors to Gunung Ledang National Park sometimes complain about the amount of litter around but as this example shows, it is not always the humans who are responsible. Of course the park management should install animal-proof litter bins but, better still, visitors should take their rubbish home with them. For this reason, climbers have to declare all their belongings at the Ranger's office and pay a rubbish deposit of RM20, refundable after the Ranger checks the belongings at the end of the hike.

Besides the monitor lizard I could see the tell-tale digging marks left by wild boars. There were also plenty of birds around, indeed 160 species of birds have been recorded here.

Once upon a time the wildlife at Gunung Ledang National Park was even more exotic. When Alfred Russel Wallace, the famous naturalist who diw.

Bathing Pools at Gunung Ledang National Park

Apa yg ingin anda katakan?

Admission Charges, Fees and Permits

To enter the park at the Gunung Ledang Resort entrance you have to pay RM2 per car and RM1 per person (RM0.50 for kids aged 4 - 12).

To climb the mountain you need to register (RM3) and pay RM 13 per adult (Malaysians) or RM 23 (foreigners) for a Day Trip.

How to get to Gunung Ledang National Park

Exit the North-South Expressway at Junction 235 and head to Tangkak. Just after Tangkak turn right towards Sagil on Route 23.

You will see signposts for Taman Negara Gunung Ledang. Depending on which entrance you want, take either Gate B (Pintu B) or where you see a large billboard for Gunung Ledang Resort. From Gate B you will need to drive through a palm oil estate for some distance before arriving at the Rangers' Office.

Accommodation at Gunung Ledang National Park

Gunung Ledang Resort Hotel

Gunung Ledang Resort is the only hotel within the park boundaries. It looked OK to me but I stayed at nearby Muar.

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