Minayah Batu kuta utara Narmada Lombok Barat NTB

Gunung Rinjani Di Pulau Lombok

Gunung Rinjani

Gunung Rinjani Terletak Di Pulau lombokGunung Rinjani adalah gunung yang
berlokasi di Pulau Lombok , Nusa
Tenggara Barat.
Gunung yang merupakan
gunung berapi kedua tertinggi di
Indonesia dengan ketinggian 3.726 m dpl
serta terletak pada lintang 8º25' LS dan
116º28' BT ini merupakan gunung favorit
bagi pendaki Indonesia karena keindahan
pemandangannya. Gunung ini merupakan
bagian dari Taman Nasional Gunung
Rinjani yang memiliki luas sekitar 41.330
ha dan ini akan diusulkan
penambahannya sehingga menjadi
76.000 ha ke arah barat dan timur.
Secara administratif gunung ini berada
dalam wilayah tiga kabupaten: Lombok
Timur , Lombok Tengah dan Lombok

800px-Segara Anak Lake Mt Barujari
Danau kawah Segara Anak dengan
Gunung Barujari di tepi danau dilihat
dari Puncak Gunung Rinjani di sisi
timur.Malaysia Mountains page,Gunung Rinjani dengan titik tertinggi
3.726 m dpl, mendominasi sebagian
besar pemandangan Pulau Lombok
bagian utara.
Di sebelah barat kerucut Rinjani terdapat
kaldera dengan luas sekitar 3.500 m ×
4.800 m, memanjang kearah timur dan
barat. Di kaldera ini terdapat Segara Anak
(segara= laut, danau) seluas 11.000.000
m persegi dengan kedalaman 230 m. Air
yang mengalir dari danau ini membentuk
air terjun yang sangat indah, mengalir
melewati jurang yang curam. Di Segara
Anak banyak terdapat ikan mas dan
mujair sehingga sering digunakan untuk
memancing. Bagian selatan danau ini
disebut dengan Segara Endut.
Di sisi timur kaldera terdapat Gunung
Baru (atau Gunung Barujari) yang
memiliki kawah berukuran 170m×200 m
dengan ketinggian 2.296 - 2376 m dpl.
Gunung kecil ini terakhir aktif/meletus
sejak tanggal 2 Mei 2009 dan sepanjang
Mei, setelah sebelumnya meletus pula
tahun 2004. [2][3] Jika letusan tahun
2004 tidak memakan korban jiwa, letusan
tahun 2009 ini telah memakan korban
jiwa tidak langsung 31 orang, karena
banjir bandang pada Kokok (Sungai)
Tanggek akibat desakan lava ke Segara
Anak.[4] Sebelumnya, Gunung Barujari
pernah tercatat meletus pada tahun 1944
(sekaligus pembentukannya), 1966, dan
Selain Gunung Barujari terdapat pula
kawah lain yang pernah meletus,disebut
Gunung Rombongan .

Be that as it may, it is the highest mountain in Johor state5 to 6 hour energetic hike to the summit for a reasonably fit person and there are some steep rocky faces to negotiate with the aid of ropes. Accidents happen and there have been some fatalities which is why it is compulsory to engage a guide from the Ranger's office.

Gunung Ledang ResortPuteri Waterfalls

Puteri Waterfalls, Gunung Ledang National Park

There are other trails to the summit, notably one from the National Park's Office about 5 km from the Gunung Ledang Resort and another from the Melaka side via Asahan. There is also a road you can drive up almost to the summit which you access through Gate B.

There are various legends pertaining to the mountain involving a magical princess, gold and silver deposits, the famous warrior Hang Tuah and more. It is regarded as a spiritual place. One of the reputed origins for the name Ophir is the Greek word Ofis meaning snake and some say the mountain is guarded by legions of snakes. Thankfully I did not see any snakes during my visit but I did encounter a large monitor lizard scavenging for food scraps in a litter bin. In the process he was scattering rubbish everywhere.

Monitor Lizard at Gunung Ledang National Park

Visitors to Gunung Ledang National Park sometimes complain about the amount of litter around but as this example shows, it is not always the humans who are responsible. Of course the park management should install animal-proof litter bins but, better still, visitors should take their rubbish home with them. For this reason, climbers have to declare all their belongings at the Ranger's office and pay a rubbish deposit of RM20, refundable after the Ranger checks the belongings at the end of the hike.

Besides the monitor lizard I could see the tell-tale digging marks left by wild boars. There were also plenty of birds around, indeed 160 species of birds have been recorded here.

Once upon a time the wildlife at Gunung Ledang National Park was even more exotic. When Alfred Russel Wallace, the famous naturalist who discovered the boundary between the Oriental and Australian zoological regions (Wallace Line), visited Mount Ophir in 1854 he was so enchanted by the place that he spent a week there during which time he noted the presence of tigers, rhinoceros and elephants.

Bathing Pools at Gunung Ledang National Park

Admission Charges, Fees and Permits

To enter the park at the Gunung Ledang Resort entrance you have to pay RM2 per car and RM1 per person (RM0.50 for kids aged 4 - 12).

To climb the mountain you need to register (RM3) and pay RM 13 per adult (Malaysians) or RM 23 (foreigners) for a Day Trip.

You also need to hire a guide at RM 140 per day. Other fees apply for camping.

You should call in advance to book a guide and check which trails are open.

You can try this number at the Gunung Ledang Resort: 06 9772888

Or contact the Johor Parks Corporation:

Perbadanan Taman Negara Johor

Aras 1, Bangunan Dato’ Mohammad Salleh Perang,

Kota Iskandar, 79795 Nusajaya,

Johor Darul Ta’zim, Malaysia

Tel: 607-266 1301

Fax: 607-266 1302

Email: jnpc@johor.gov.my

Website: www.johorparks.johordt.gov.my

How to get to Gunung Ledang National Park

Exit the North-South Expressway at Junction 235 and head to Tangkak. Just after Tangkak turn right towards Sagil on Route 23.

You will see signposts for Taman Negara Gunung Ledang. Depending on which entrance you want, take either Gate B (Pintu B) or where you see a large billboard for Gunung Ledang Resort. From Gate B you will need to drive through a palm oil estate for some distance before arriving at the Rangers' Office.

Accommodation at Gunung Ledang National Park

Gunung Ledang Resort Hotel

Gunung Ledang Resort is the only hotel within the park boundaries. It looked OK to me but I stayed at nearby Muar.

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